Selling and storing consumer fireworks

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 14 Feb 2023
3 min read
Nederlandse versie

In the Netherlands, rules for storing, transporting, selling, and setting off fireworks are stated in the Fireworks decree. Read more.

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Do you want to sell fireworks to consumers in the Netherlands? You must keep to the rules in the Fireworks decree (Vuurwerkbesluit) for storing, your sales area, and the selling of fireworks.

Selling consumer fireworks

  • You need a permit from the local council of the municipality where you wish to sell the fireworks.
  • You may only sell legal fireworks.
  • The sale of fireworks (excluding novelty fireworks) is only allowed during 3 allocated days just before the turn of the year: 29, 30, and 31 December. Is one of these days a Sunday? You cannot sell fireworks on this day.
  • You are not allowed to sell more than 25 kilos of fireworks per customer.
  • You may only sell fireworks if you provide protective glasses and a cotton safety wick.
  • You must provide information on how to safely set off fireworks.
  • You may not sell any fireworks to children younger than 12 years of age.

Selling fireworks to minors

There are minimum ages for the sale of fireworks to children:

  • You may sell category F1 novelty fireworks (such as sparklers and crackling balls) to children 12 years and up.
  • You may sell category F2 consumer fireworks (such as ground spinners and fountains) only to people 16 years and up.

Banned consumer fireworks

The following types of fireworks are banned for sale to consumers:

  • singleshots and rockets
  • category F3 and F4 fireworks. You can find the category on the label
  • firecrackers (including strings of firecrackers)
  • roman candles and small rockets

You are not allowed to sell these fireworks to consumers. Likewise, consumers are not allowed to buy or light these types of fireworks.

Rules for your sales area

  • You are not allowed to store more than 500 kilograms of fireworks in your showroom during opening hours.
  • You are not allowed to store other fireworks than category F2 in your sales area outside opening hours. The amount may not be more than 200 kilograms.
  • You must make sure the fireworks are not within reach of your customers.
  • You must have a sprinkler system.
  • You must make sure the fireworks are placed in such a manner they can be reached by the sprinkler’s water.
  • Your sales area and the sprinkler system should conform to all safety rules.

Storing of consumer fireworks

Do you want to store fireworks next to your showroom? You must keep to the rules for storing consumer fireworks as stated in the Fireworks Decree (in Dutch). This means you must among others:

  • Make sure there is enough distance between your storage area and your selling area (at least 8 meters).
  • If you want to store up to 10,000 kilos of consumer fireworks, you must send in a notification based on the Fireworks Decree (in Dutch). You send the notification to the local council where you want to store the fireworks, at least 4 weeks in advance. They will subsequently send your notification electronically to the competent national authority and the regional fire department.
  • If you want to store more than 10,000 kilos of consumer fireworks, you need an environmental permit (one of the All-in-one Permits for Physical Aspects). You must also pursue an active safety policy. Finally, you may need an All-in-one permit for physical aspects for the construction of your storage space or for the use of your premises in a safe way regarding fire safety.
  • If you want to store more than 200,000 kilos of consumer fireworks you must also draw up a safety report.

Using the Activities Decree online module (AIM, in Dutch), you can check which obligations apply to your company. You can always contact your local council if you have any questions about the rules regarding fireworks.


If you do not comply with the rules you may be fined or otherwise sanctioned. The amount of the fine or the type of sanction depends on the severity of the offence.

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