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Werribee Open Range Zoo

Meet the Lion Cubs

Nilo and her four adorable lion cubs Asali, Ilola, Ato and Lwazi are out exploring at Werribee Open Range Zoo. The cubs are now starting to spend time with the whole pride including their older siblings.

While the cubs are spending more time outside, they may still need to rest in the off-display area at different times throughout the day.

Visitors are encouraged to check with admissions staff at Werribee Open Range Zoo for all the latest news on when the cubs will be on display each day.


Beads for Wildlife

Lions are an iconic part of the African savannah, yet they are disappearing at an alarming rate. In the last two decades the population has decreased by 43% and it’s estimated that there may be as few as 20,000 Lions remaining in the wild.

Kenya is one of the last strongholds for the species and visitors to Zoos Victoria can help working to help protect wildlife in Northern Kenya through the community-based Beads for Wildlife program.

Find out more about Beads for Wildlife >