Fact Check: Are Weapons Being Shipped to America, Disguised as Furniture?


One user on Facebook posted an old rumor Monday with a new, America-First twist. “If you have doubts about Muslim migration, this may clear them up,” the user begins.

The actual story behind those photos is almost three years old, when a “Greek coast guard [seized] Libya-bound ship carrying weapons” as Reuters reported at the time, noting that the ship was coming from Turkey.

It seems that this Facebook user—whose post was shared several hundred times in its short lifespan—copied-and-pasted a Facebook post from 2016 that made similar accusations about weapons and their supposed destination. The first rumor, which many Fact Checkers and journalists quelled at the time, incorrectly suggested the weapons were headed to Syrian refugee camps in Europe.

The weapons were not heading to the U.S. for Muslim immigrants then, or now. And those are not U.S. border agents.

“UN is behind it as well as Obummer and Soros…New World Order” one pun-enthusiast theorized. “Let’s take OUR COUNTRY BACK NOW !!” another suggested (or, perhaps, ordered?).

Others had more sense. “I would be worried if this was the USA but look at the plates on the car and they are in Europe.”

If you have questions about this fact check, or would like to submit a request for another fact check, email Holmes Lybrand at [email protected] or the Weekly Standard at [email protected]. For details on TWS Fact Check, see our explainer here.

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