The Nun Study

The Nun Study

Nun Study on Minnesota Public Radio

Dr. Kelvin Lim and Dr. Karen Santa Cruz discuss the ongoing research.   Listen to the March 25th, 2009 segment on MPR.



Aging With Grace Paperback
The Nun Study is a longitudinal study of aging and Alzheimer's disease funded by the National Institute on Aging. Participants are 678 American members of the School Sisters of Notre Dame religious congregation who are 75 to 106 years of age.

Nun Study has moved to the University of Minnesota

Sr. M. Nicolette Welter of Provincial House,  Mankato Province, Minnesota

A participant in the Nun Study the past 23 years, Sister Nicolette enjoys her 101st birthday at the Mankato, Minnesota Provincial House.

David Snowdon, the longtime Nun Study investigator, originally began the research at the University of Minnesota, but moved it with him to the University of Kentucky in 1986. Now, Snowdon is making a move into part-time work, and the study will return to Minnesota. ... This has incredible potential for the future and for us as educators, said Sister Catherine Ber­trand, pro­vin­cial leader of the SSND’s Man­ka­to Pro­vince.